Meditation for Warrior Wellness
Helping Veterans and First Responders with PTSD symptoms.
For many, the battle doesn’t end with
leaving a war zone or at the end of a shift.
Our Mission
Meditation for Warrior Wellness™ is a non-profit Corporation that will raise funds and provide scholarships to help improve the well-being of the heros that serve us. Our nationwide program helps active duty and retired Veterans, first responders and their spouses cope with PTSD symptoms through the application of the scientifically proven Technique of Transcendental Meditation™.
Helping Veterans and First Responders with PTSD
Why Choose Transcendental Meditation™
Transcendental Meditation™ is a simple effortless mental technique that is easy to learn and enjoyable to practice. It is a natural technique that allows the mind to relax which studies have shown can lower your blood pressure, among other positive benefits. People have reported a reduction in PTSD symptoms such as improved quality of sleep, ability to focus and retain detail, improved relationships and reduction of stress. The practice takes 20 minutes twice a day and promotes enriched functioning of mind and body.
What is it like?
TM™ in the A.M. and P.M. Give yourself permission to feel good, relax and recharge, twice a day. Allowing you to finally let go and make room for happiness to flow back in. Transcendental Meditation™ moves you gradually into a relaxed state, while still being awake. A state of restful alertness. From here you can calm your senses, let go and find the relief you desire.
Who is eligible?
Veterans and First Responders who have symptoms of PTSD related to their service are eligible for scholarship. A diagnosis is not required for instruction. We respect your privacy.
What Sets Us Apart?
We have taken our commitment to helping our service members a step further by also offering to teach their spouses. If a person is experiencing PTSD symptoms, so are the people closest. By helping to heal the warrior, the whole family benefits and can truly live their fullness of life.
Stay up to date on the latest research, articles and events related to PTSD and Transcendental Meditation™. See what we are doing to bring about positive change for our veterans and first responders.